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Three Phase Approach

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Phase 1

Immersion starts with an evaluation of the state of the horses movement and frame of mind. Braces (areas of resistance or imbalance) are identified and a plan of action is designed to eliminate the braces and begin the journey to softness, straightness, suppleness and impulsion.


Phase 2

This second phase begins to concentrate on the individual goals of each horse and rider combination. At this stage students will be consistently working with Suppleness, Straightness and Impulsion.


Phase 3

The third and final phase, combines and helps riders apply all the elements from the Immersion and Refinement Phases to achieve their chosen goals.

Bridle horses, Dressage and Eventing, 3rd Level and above.

Clinic & Class Formats



The foundation with the horse starts with the ground. A quick assessment of the horse will reveal many areas of resistance in the horse. Every “hole” in the foundation has the potential to be a problem from the saddle. Weak or missing areas or places of resistance must be identified and addressed with specific exercises from the ground. In addition to fixing these holes, you must identify how the rider has contributed to this situation. The rider must now adjust his approach so he doesn’t recreate the original problem or resistance. The result will be a horse that’s responsive and respectful from the ground. This horse is also much safer to handle and be around.



Immersion and Refinement Classes will give you and your horse the opportunity to learn together with Greg. You’ll be working toward developing an understanding of how your horse learns, as well as acquiring the tools to build a solid foundation from feel. This is the beginning of a new relationship together.


Phase One: In Immersion the foundation in groundwork will help to build a secure, confident, relaxed, and supple horse. Followed by applying the groundwork to the saddle, the rider will now begin to reap the benefits from the new foundation, helping the horse to move away from the slightest amount of feel. You will learn how to meet the horse’s needs and to speak to the horses in their language, the horse and rider have a much greater potential of reaching goals for any discipline in harmony.


Phase Two: The refinement phase we will start to focus more on the individual discipline and goals of each horse and rider combination.

Cow Working


Working cattle combines all the elements Immersion, Refinement and Working Equitation. 

The Benefits of Working the Cows for Dressage - Hunter/Jumper & Pleasure Riders

¨Hindquarter engagement

¨ Shoulder control

¨ Improved transitions

¨ Increased impulsion

¨ Moving in balance

¨ Patience

¨ Confidence 

¨ Timing

¨ Accuracy

¨ Clarity of communication

¨ Increased preparedness

¨ New experience

Working Equitation


The sport of working equitation broadens a horse’s scope and teaches him to be a good partner in any equine sport you care to pursue. It is especially good for improving dressage skills. The obstacle course is not only fun, but it sharpens your aids and basics like bending, leg yields and transitions.

Greg's clinic format includes flatwork and dressage fundamentals, as well as working obstacles that will:


· Create precision and fluidity in transitions

· Develop collection and balance

· Establish rhythm of gaits

· Build confidence and harmony

· Improve hindquarter and shoulder engagement


Working equitation welcomes competitors from every breed and discipline and all riding levels.

Control & Confidence


Imagine one of those dreaded moments when something really startles your horse, triggering its instinctive flight response, and the fear and frustration that brings up in you. Now imagine a new partnership in which your horse stops, thinks, and looks to you for leadership rather than reacting in fear in that same situation. You and your horse can have this level of communication and mutual trust, which will not only help keep you both safe, but will also be the foundation for a whole lot more fun together! We can help you get there.

While some riders look to desensitize their horses, Greg Eliel wants our horses to retain their sensitivity and responsiveness, while gaining the ability to respond safely and sensibly when the unexpected happens. In this unique clinic you’ll learn how to create a place of comfort for your horse when anxiety-triggering events happen at home, on the trail, or at a show. Gain a new understanding of how your horse is feeling in those reactive moments, and learn the skills to be your horse’s leader by directing their feet to regain control in even the scariest situations.

During this clinic you’ll be expertly guided through the following exercises and more as communication and confidence-building opportunities between you and your horse:

  • Standing quietly for calm, safe mounting and dismounting

  • Gaining relaxation around spooky, blowing objects

  • Responding safely to movement from all sides and above the horse’s head

Ride & Review Clinics


Have you ever left a lesson or clinic and tried to remember something that you learned? Now you can leave with a plan!


The results speak for themselves! Watching yourself ride is a powerful tool! We have seen as much as a 25% improvement in individual areas of difficulty in just one review session!


Day 1: 3 hour group clinic, followed by a preset riding test which is video taped.

Day 2: 2 hour morning classroom review of each riders test, with discussion and a detailed lesson plan. We break for lunch and return to the arena to ride for 2 more hours, putting your personal lesson plan into action.

School of the Horse


Do you want to stay sharp as the weather deteriorates? We know that riding is not only a passion for many of our friends and students, it is an on-going intellectual endeavor. Winter can provide many challenges for riders that are on the pathway. Nasty weather and short, cold days can be difficult on a horseman’s mind, and stop or slow all the progress you have made during the year.

Our solution: Provide riders with a fun series designed to inspire you, sharpen your mind, develop your eye, and expand your base of knowledge as an additional step to support your goals. 

This is a classroom based series, held one evening each week. No horse required. 

Connect with us today!

Greg Eliel ~ Horses, Leadership & Life

9133 Iron City Road,

Iron City, TN 38463

(908) 328-4999

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